
Mike Goldman and co. gatecrash Big Brother

Mike Goldman was narrating the Daily Show from inside the Big Brother house was one of the more bizarre moments of the season.

It was one of the more bizarre moments of the Big Brother season.

Mike Goldman was narrating the Daily Show from inside the Big Brother house as part of the Gatecrasher challenge, in which housemates had to ignore anybody who entered their domain.

But watching Mike describe the antics while they happened was certainly very creative. He’s so adept it that he didn’t even need a script.

Former BB housemates Ryan Fitzgerald, Reggie Sorensen (nee Bird), Pete Timbs, Trevor Butler, Vesna Tosevska, Tim Brunero, Paul Dyer also became Unwelcome Guests. Former 2012 housemate Ray also re-entered.

It followed family members and even a bunch of tourists invading the house this week.

5 Responses

  1. I found the Goldman live narration quite funny, but some of the ex-housemates interractions especially with Layla were borderline harrassment and bullying, and from the edit it appeared that some may have been pulled out early as a result…

  2. Loved the old housemates and Mike Goldman

    Shame the editing cut everything so short!!

    The housemates seem so bored and are just waiting for the end to come

  3. The teaser from the end of the previous night’s edition showed much more interaction between the intruders and the housemates – but by the edit of the daily show last night – Reggie was literally just a walk on role – not the fully clothed, clinging to a housemates’ back in the pool. It seemed very haphazard and chaotic – i guess that’s the intention – but it was frustrating as the viewer. Preferring to spend the long running time dealing with the endless gossipy groups griping about each other. I wish Michael was nominated – he is such a hypocrite. His face tells so much about his lack of honesty in certain contexts. I hope he doesn’t win.

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