TV Tonight Awards: Worst of 2019
It's bad news for Married at First Sight, Grant Denyer & George Calombaris.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News, Top Stories
Oh dear.
Just ahead of its 2020 return, readers have voted Married at First Sight as the Worst Aussie Show of 2019.
Welcome to the most polarising categories in the annual TV Tonight Awards.Â
These results always divide viewers with some shows that appeared on “Best of 2019” also making the cut on the Worst. Also getting the thumbs down were Saturday Night Rove and The Proposal.
Meanwhile The Big Bang Theory, again took out Worst International Show, and even a rare mention shows some Game of Thrones fans have not forgiven that final season.
Elsewhere Grant Denyer, who hosted both Celebrity Name Game and Dancing with the Stars last year, has been named Most Overexposed Personality of 2019. Denyer eclipsed, who had a run of health problems, overtook 2018 winner Karl Stefanovic, who still featured despite having just one show in This Time Next Year. Ouch.
Added to the list this year is Osher Günsberg due to his string of shows The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise and The Masked Singer. Less is more perhaps?
Finally it was a tight battle in the infamous Blunder of the Year category, but George Calombaris took that out just ahead of the Today show. ‘Nuff said!
* denotes runaway winner
Worst Aussie Show: Married at First Sight *
Saturday Night Rove
The Proposal
My Kitchen Rules
Trial by Kyle
(2018: My Kitchen Rules)
Worst International Show: The Big Bang Theory
Love Island UK
The Unicorn
Game of Thrones
Keeping up with the Kardashians
(2018: The Big Bang Theory)
Most Overexposed Aussie Performer: Grant Denyer *
Karl Stefanovic
Julia Morris
Osher Günsberg
Scott Cam
(2018: Karl Stefanovic)
Blunder of the Year: George Calombaris staff underpayments impact MasterChef
Today Show revamp & ratings
Tracey Spicer confidentiality breach over #metoo doco
Mad as Hell wrong episode, Gruen out of sync
10 throws out Living Room in surprise revamp
(2018: Karl Stefanovic Uber Call)
Tomorrow: Story of the Year, Best Channels.
25 Responses
I’m surprised Love Island Australia didn’t make Worst Aussie Show…
Well deserved win fir George Columbaris.
I thought that the Big Bang Theory was consistent throughout its run. It’s one show I always looked forward too and enjoyed. Disappointing that it was voted worst, but I guess to vote something the worst it had to at least be on your radar, and you would assume watched.
Disappointed that the cast of home and away weren’t mentioned in the overexposed category like how many times have they’ve been on TV and covers of magazines (clears throat TV Week) every week than any other Aussie show combined and more than Karl Stefanovic
It’s clear those who voted GOT to be the worst show have only seen season eight. It’s the haters that voted for it. Ignore them.
I don’t think it’s necessarily “clear” so much as speculative. As site administrator I have no insight into what seasons people have watched unless they specify.
Isn’t the idea to rate shows based on their 2019 output?
Yes. It will fare differently in Show of the Decade survey next week.
I agree with these selections but in reality modern viewing trends are fickle and in need of constant change, especially Reality TV which gets stale very quickly.
Sometimes the commercial channels are a bit slow getting the message for change as recycling success keeps the TV execs in their jobs, media personalities like Grant Denyer and Scott Cam have done quite nicely because of it.
I like Grant Denyer, I am a bit surprised his name has come out.The Big Bang Theory was a favourite as well.
The question about Overexposed doesn’t ask about likeability… it’s purely about how much they are on air, hence why Osher is also there.
I didn’t feel Denyer was overexposed but I put Tony Jones as the most overexposed presenter. Jones appeared on a lot during 2019-sports presenter on Today, Tennis coverage and Sunday Footy Show. Last year, Jones was slammed for Naomi Osaka interview during the AO Final on Aus Day on social media.
Tony Jones was so biased towards the left, that is why I don’t watch the show. I am sure this bias turns a lot of people off as well.
I think the tide of opinion and popularity seemed to have turned for The Big Bang Theory in the latter seasons. I think it was widely popular and well-liked about 10 years ago. I don’t think it would have ever been considered one of the worst shows at that time. I had lost interest in the show after a few seasons. The relentless scheduling and repeats could have affected sentiment.
I think Tommy Little would have to be amongst the finalists as Most Overexposed. I like him, but he’s everywhere on TEN.
Interesting that the worst Aussie show on TV is also the most popular and highest rating show by far. Guess TV tonight readers polls are not representative of the broader community.
The new tide of luminaries at 9 will no doubt scoff at this result and point to the scoreboard, Married At First Sight smashed the ratings. But, at what cost to their network’s image. Maybe it doesn’t matter these days, maybe commercial TV has been relegated to the ‘sideshow alley’ of TV and shows like MAFS are the most effective way to sell advertising to fast food giants.
I guess we’re always trying to find the right balance between culture and business, whether it be TV, politics, education….whatever, it’s just right now, the bean counters seem to be in charge.
Ugh i had forgotten all about Ines from MAFS. For her sake I hope she was paid good money to act the way she did. If that was just her true self…may the power of Christ compell you!!!
I hope this show rates well on Sunday. The show deserves better ratings.
Errr…which particular show?-Do people not proof read their posts to make sure that they make some sense?
The thing I remember about MAFS was the incredible amount of hype about the show. On radio, in the Press, cross promotion on other Nine shows. Breathless updates about the latest episode, profiles and stories about the participants, even claims that the show had led to a boom in new marriages. But the ratings weren’t all that good. Most episodes won their timeslot (just) but it was hardly the national sensation all the hype would have us believe.
Even though I hate the show it got excellent ratings. Not sure where you got the idea that ratings weren’t that good.
Doesn’t mean that at all. Always the case that shows the same in any survey come up as the most popular in one category and the most hated in another. Each to their own
Clearly that must hint that Nine manipulated the ratings somehow? Let’s hope the ratings will actually reflect what people really think of the show this year ?
Poor Grant ! I really enjoy him and Amanda on DWTS, they work really well together