
Bumped: No Ordinary Family

Updated: The super-power family is replaced by Border Security, but moves to 7mate.

Updated: No Ordinary Family is moving from Seven to 7mate.

The show, which has been drawing lacklustre ratings, will no longer air on Seven but will air on 7mate in the same timeslot of 7:30pm Mondays from next week.

Next Monday night Seven has a repeat of Border Security at 7:30pm followed by a new episode of Border Patrol -although a week later Crash Investigation Unit airs at 8pm.

On Thursday at 7:30pm it will air a double repeat of The Vicar of Dibley, which pushes Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Private Practice and 30 Rock back by ten minutes each.

51 Responses

  1. Unfortunately this show has been cancelled in the US that’s why it got blitzed in Aus. It was one of the few shows on TV that could be enjoyed by the whole family. Now we are fed more reality TV. Enough already!

  2. The only reason why Channel 7 moved it to 7mate was because the show has been cancelled following season 1 in the United States, so there was no longer any point for channel 7 to fund a show that was only going to run for a season. Since they bought the broadcasting rights for a season and it has a decent fanbase, 7 decided to put it on mate.

  3. I understand if the show wasn’t rating well, that 7 would have to pull it. However all of our peers i.e family demographic that we know in SA watch it every week…..its weird that it rated so poorly?
    It was a blessed relief from talent shows and cooking shows etc not that we don’t watch those too but it was a good escapist balance to help you digest them.

  4. Geee channel 7 u guys r so sad my family r great fans of no ordinary family and then u put the notice for 2 shows a week and we were all excited about more no ordinary family and then u show it in one week twice and then the next week border security was on instead for a moment we thought the tv show had had a cancellation that we had no idea about but the on border security a bar showed up that said that no Ordinary family had suddenly changed to 7mate and sure enough thats where it was seriously? Who does that ?! Gee 7 pick up ur act that’s basically the only show we watch on ur channel so don’t screw this up by not puttIng Any notices up >: (

  5. Very disappointed Channel 7 – you obviously don’t think much of your viewers when you change a show to another channel without any notice whatsoever! The last you said about No Ordinary Family was that it would be playing two nights a week – then it vanished! This was actually the only show you have on that I watch on your channel. I don’t get 7 Mate – thank goodness I have Foxtel – I’m sure No Ordinary Family will turn up there eventually. I was really enjoying the show despite all the ads, and am very disappointed in your complete lack of consideration to fans in moving the show without notice.

  6. I was quite enjoying No Ordinary Family on ch7. I recently, (2 weeks ago), seen an advert/promo stating that the show will be on ch7 Monday and Thursday nights. I thought great stuff, as i enjoy the show, but i have only noticed it has disappeared off ch7 completely. No explanation, not informed it will be moved to 7mate. well i am glad to have just learnt that i can still watch it then… thanks for this link as i thought the show just got ”wiped” off tv with no explanation.

  7. Not sure who did your research, but this show was appreciated by a lot of our friends of all ages – maybe trying to get 7mate viewing rates up. Bit like the Christmas night Australian dancesport suddenly disappearing – maybe that can go to 7mate as well.

  8. The advance notice on this change is so much appreciated by myself and my kids who were really enjoying a refreshing family show si sufferer from the usual rubbish channel 7 puts on. The fact that we do not get 7mate made us even happier when finally figured out what was going on. Frankly I won’t be watching anything on channel 7 from now on as my patience has finally run out with the complete disrespect they show to viewers.

  9. Disapointed
    Whats with changing channells? we sat down to the advertised time slot waiting for No Ordinary Family and 7 put some junk reality show. a week later the only reason we knew the show moved is because I was listening to an ad (which I would have missed because we normally mute them) that NOF was on Monday at 7.30 on 7mate almost missed the mate part and was not sure which chanell that was.

    NOF is a breath of fresh air, the story line is great evolves not like all those investigation shows (eg NCIS, CSI, Law & Order , Bones and the long list goes on and on) someone dies then you find out who did it. It’s ashame that 7 moved the show digital, now people who really enjoy the show miss outl.

    Give 7 credit, hope they don’t become like another chanell who keeps showing repeats of those investigation shows.

  10. Regional viewers shafted again. 7mate? No idea when we will get that. Dreams are free. This was the only night commercial TV was worth watching. Typical GWN/WIN. A non-stop diet of mediocre reality TV as the alternative? Oh well… Back to the ABC & SBS we go.

  11. My family and I have been huge fans of No ordinary family. It may not have the highest budget ever but it’s thoroughly enjoyable and one of very few clean shows on tv.
    I must say that I’m in total agreement with the last few comments. Okay, so you feel it’s better off on a digital channel … but Any sort of notice would have been lovely! As a result of this ‘oversight’ we have missed an episode or two. Just slightly irritating!

    And what was that about “Two nights a week”?? Yeah, we really do feel ripped off and cheated. Awesome job Channel 7!

  12. i am extremley p*ssed off with you channel seven this is a wonderful show my whole family enjoy it and would prefer to watch it so much more to an aeroplane crashing or people working in customs yes we know that customs are important they do a good job. but who really wants to see that crap on tv and yes people that died in those plane crashes yes they are all missed by loved ones and it is sad but instead of making people scared of flying and boring them to death about a plane that crashed due to a stupid pilot or something is not intresting to most families so i think you should re think all this cause it is just proving that win (channell nine) is so much better atleast they dont continously cancel shows that people like from
    a very annoyed person

  13. Well, myself and my family are very irritated with your station for not imforming your viewers that there would be a change from one station to another.
    I am sure I am not alone in thinking who in the world does your ratings, as I feel this is an excellent program, or is it just an excuse to piss us off? If you continue this way no one will end up watching your programs and your ratings will definately decline significantly.
    What a pity, it has come down to the fact that you are not getting enough money from this program, so you decide to Axe it.

    Yours sincerely,
    An extremely disappointed viewer.

  14. i was really annoyed that they changed it as i have foxtel and had a series link so that every episode would record, but due to it being bumped i now have to sit on my uncomfortable computer chair to catch up on the missed episode..

    no ordinary family has now moved to two nights a week……. Epic Fail channel 7

  15. 3 very disappointed children!!!! Been counting down for tonight’s show. :( while we have a set top box, digital signal is not yet available in our area

  16. Please remember that not everyone can easily get 7mate. Some of us are on Foxtel Satelliete and its just not available through that.

    Sure, I could go spend some money on an HD digital box just to watch it (and GEM), but eh, between the foxtel, the xbox, the wii, and the dvd payer there is enough stuff plugged into the tv at the moment. Its starting to look like an electric jungle back there. : /

  17. For those last to the party, this story was updated so at first we were told it had been removed from the Seven lineup. Later David updated the story that it had been moved to 7MATE, thus the complaints in the first half of the comments.

    But I’m sure some without HD will still be complaining, they should go out and buy a HD STB over the weekend to catch this next week then.

  18. I loved No Ordinary Family and it’s such a shame that Seven did not give a full run on the main channel. Is NOF on twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) like this week or have been reverted back to just once a week?

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