
Deni Hines ruins Celebrity Apprentice

Deni Hines' tirades in Celebrity Apprentice were an abject lesson in ruining what has until now been a fairly spirited series.

“What do you do when you see a rabid dog? Do you poke it or do you leave it alone?” Deni Hines asked Jesinta Campbell on Celebrity Apprentice last night.

It would seem that many viewers watching the Reality show would have preferred if Nine had left Deni Hines alone, or preferably out of the series altogether.

Hines’ performance in front of the cameras was an abject lesson in ruining what has until now been a fairly spirited series.

Sure it’s dragged out its story points for too many episodes, it’s (successfully) skewed its cast into heroes and villains, and it’s wheeled out products and brands without much subtlety.

That’s all robust enough when there’s enough entertainment along the way.

When characters are simply playing up for the cameras, as Deni Hines and Max Markson did last night, the audience is entitled to cry ‘foul.’

Don’t insult us by padding out a 90 minute episode with phony bust-ups and lunatics who act like four year olds. At least Pauline Hanson was genuine with her friction. Even Jason Coleman’s ego has been believable. But Hines and Markson’s return added nothing to the game. They so hogged the cameras that I barely saw Shane Crawford do anything last night -and he hasn’t been eliminated like these two yet.

Talk about empty vessels making the most noise.

I also find it hard to believe that Mark Burnett would ever let an episode like last night’s go to air under his watch. His shows have been successful because they know when to hit a point, and when to move on.

Maybe Mr. Bouris should have fired the Producer.

How did editing did tirade after tirade into the show further the storytelling?

I got that ‘Deni = Bitch’ from the first exchange. In fact I got it from the promos that painted her as the Wicked Witch of the West.

Last night was so contrived we, as audience, were no longer able to suspend disbelief.

Sure it’s important to have a good villain, but if all they do is sour the fun …then what’s the point?


Deni Hines was dropped on her head as a baby, right? A lot……

I’d rather have 2 Max Markson’s than 1 Deni

It’s quite possible deni hines may never work again. Wow.

Deni Hines: “I don’t do jingles” – is that because no one offers?

Deni Hines is ruining celebrity apprentice for me, she really is one horrid human being. TV off now

I’m trying to find words to describe the waste of space that IS Deni Hines… How was I ever a fan? She’s just vile!!! 

I Have watched ALOT of reality tv :-/ (shame face) but Deni Hines may be the most abhorrent character I’ve ever seen, ever

Spicks and specks!! Relieve my Deni Hines related anger.

Deni Hines is THE WORST THING I have ever watched on television …

It’s weird to think on a show that had Pauline Hanson on it, that Deni Hines is actually the bad guy…

Why do they even bother putting Deni Hines on #CelebApprenticeAU she is not helping the show out in anyway!

82 Responses

  1. No matter how the production company portrayed her its clear to see that Deni is a bitter, twisted little bully. Even on Kyle and Jackie O she was vindictive and defensive in her exit interview. Nasty nasty little woman.

  2. Honestly, most fun I’ve had watching Reality TV all year.

    Psychotic personalities like Deni are sadly lacking in Australia Reality TV with everyone concerned about looking nice etc.

    Bring back the bitch!

  3. @em
    yes, but that does not change the fact that she is a total waste of space.
    I do not understand why she is worried about hurting her brand, she does not have a brand to hurt.
    This is the first time I have heard her name in over 10 years.

    As for Jason, never heard of him before this show started, he has stuffed up all of his projects and yet he still thinks he is the greatest.
    He says he did not ask to be on the show but was asked to appear, he could have said No and protected his so called brand

  4. Deni is only on TV thanks to her Mommy. If Marcia boated it over and didnt make it big, then she wouldn’t be anyone. What a horrid woman.

  5. It’s television. It’s ratings. It’s a laugh – and nothing more. What has surprised me most – and actually delighted me on an ethical level – is how seriously some of these C-grade celebrities have taken the whole thing. The standouts in terms of maturity and decency seem to be Sahen Crawford, Didier Cohen and Jesinta Campbell. Even Pauline Hanson came over as a decent lady. These four have come across with an honesty that is endearing. The rest is just entertainment. Julia Morris is funny – but with a very nasty sting. Deni Hines is a prima donna of the highest degree. Max Markson is just mad and damaging his brand with every appearance. Jason Coleman is showing he’s not as nice as he would like us to think. But it is TV folks. And that’s all it was designed to be. Oh and a bucket load of pormotion for Mark Bouris, Yellow Brick Road and all those other affiliated businesses who have all contributed big bucks to the budget for this program. This is what is known at Nine as co-branded entertainment – which means they don’t have to pay much to make it; others do! Have a laugh and sit back and enjoy…or don’t watch.

  6. That was no performance for the cameras. Ask around to find out what Deni was like in the days when she was doing theatre. The times may change, but the behaviour stays the same.

  7. Deni, you total Diva Bitch. You can bet that if they had come home with a black baby, Deni would have cried racism or found something wrong. What’s with the homie-gangsta “black” talk when she is interviewed one-on-one?? She is an embarrassment. I feel sorry for Marcia Hines seeing her precocious little brat daughter carrying on like that in front of the nation. Get over yourself Deni….You ain’t all that girlfriend. You’re a talentless twit. Jesinta hndled herself brilliantly and Deni has a whole lot of jealous going on

  8. Love her or loathe her, Deni is her own woman and I don’t think she cares how others view her. What was most interesting was the way Jesinta was drawn out to be the dubious personality she Really is.

  9. It’s called car crash entertainment…and its brilliant.
    TV snobs go away & enjoy your Wire boxsets.

  10. Are you mad? That was reality TV gold. It was brilliant to watch & the best celeb apprentice has been all series. God with your judgement I hope you never get a job as a programmer!

  11. aw leave her alone, she was paid to be hideous, it’s part of the game. she’s probably best buds with “victim” Jesinta and they have had a big laugh about it.

  12. And while your at it you can pay out on Jesinta Campbell, that little princess needs her mouth gaffer taped.

  13. I only saw snatches of the show last night and I agree that Deni is so over-the-top vile that she was either coached by the producers to be such an idiot, or she is, in fact, an idiot. If she wasn’t purposely coached to be so abominable, well, she is a woman with huge problems. I understand that in the standard reality show template all programs need a bitch and a bastard, but this was way overplayed by her and if her post-Apprentice career suffers (which I doubt it will) she will only have herself to blame.

  14. I actually really enjoyed last nights episode to be honest
    they needed to bring back personalitys like Max and
    Deni because besides Julia there are no big characters
    left on the show I mean Jason is passable with his big
    noting (but still a horrible character), but Jasinta and Shane are abit to boring so I can
    totally see why they brought Max and Deni back.

  15. I am so glad that I did not get sucked in to watching this garbage. Sounds like ch9 is still treating their audience with utter contempt…How many ratings weeks have they won this year?…mmmm…and they still don’t learn

  16. At least she can occaisionally do something (just not jingles); that’s more than can be said for Warwick Crapper!

  17. Do as I do – don’t watch. TV is so abhorrent these days, in our house we watch bargain hunt on 7two, ABC news and then we hot the off button. This is just reason why tv’s dying as a medium.

  18. I worked with Deni Hines about 15 years ago on a couple of her music videos. She was a bitch then and shes a bitch now. She wasn’t putting on any “performance”.

  19. Lara Bingle’s pitiful guest stint on Monday and now Deni’s completely over the top villain performance have ruined what was a great series up until this week, and it looks like it could get worse in the Grand Finale.

  20. Denis Hines is 41 years old, Jesinta is 20. Look at how much more mature Jesinta is compared to Hines. What a wase of space. I hope I never ever see her on tv again!

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