
What does a Logie win mean to a network?

Programming execs spill on whether an Award win actually means anything.

How important is winning a Logie or an AACTA award to a network?

That’s a question TV Tonight recently put to 5 Programming execs.

Last year Seven and Nine walked away with 0 Logie wins (Nine-owned Stan picked up 1 award, or 2 if you count Deborah Mailman‘s Bite Club / Total Control win). Nine picked up 1 award at the AACTAs for Lego Masters and Seven  0 -that’s despite each being host broadcasters.

“It’s a reflection of the hard work”

Hamish Turner, Programming Director Nine recently said, “It was disappointing from a Logies perspective.

“(Awards) are very important. It’s a reflection of the hard work of both the performers and the people behind the scenes, whether a Drama, Reality or News.”

“We live and die by ratings”

Angus Ross, Director of Programming, Seven agreed, saying, “I think anytime you receive an award, it’s a very nice experience, and recognition of work well done.

“But in the end, we live and die by ratings which equate to revenue and that’s what our business model is based on. Awards very often don’t drive ratings.”

On that point Turner concurs, noting AACTAs are industry-based versus the Popular awards at the Logies.

AACTAs are perhaps not reflective of a broader Australian audience. We are a commercial business that tries to appeal to the masses. I think Outstanding (awards) should also be reflective of something that appeals to a broad audience.

“We have a measurement which basically tells you what the most popular show is”

“We have a measurement which basically tells you what the most popular show is, and that perhaps should be taken into consideration.”

Networks may be getting their wish. This year the Logies are being overhauled to take into account Industry Judges, Social Content and -for the first time- TV Ratings.

Daniel Monaghan, Head of Programming at 10 also sees more value in the daily ratings.

“We’d always rather have ratings than Logies, but it’s nice to be recognised and for the talent to be recognised. A lot of people in a lot of corners of the business work very hard,” he explains.

“Our audience is highly engaged”

Last year 10 scooped up 6 Logie wins despite being the third-ranked network. Yet 10 has a long tradition of asking viewers to vote, dating back to shows such as Big Brother and Australian Idol.

“One of our things at 10 is that our audience is highly engaged, which is something we’re very proud of. They’re very vocal and they watch every frame of every episode,” says Monaghan.

Ben Nguyen, SBS Channel Director, notes that in addition to recognising production teams, a win is also an acknowledgement of the broad direction a channel is headed.

“When Paul Fenech won the Logie for Housos I don’t think that was really expected. But it felt like recognition for someone who had been speaking with a very unique voice on SBS for a long time.

“It’s a primarily a commercial network audience who are watching the Logies and if we can run our wares by them in that context, that can only be a good thing.”

It was ABC who upstaged all-comers last year with 10 Logie wins, including the Gold for Tom Gleeson.

Yet Michael Carrington, Head of Entertainment & Specialist, ABC, says the Popular wins aren’t necessarily about simply reflecting the size of an audience.

“There’s the craft perspective, the jury is people who work in the industry recognising the amount of work and effort that goes into producing something.,” he said.

“It’s more about the impact or the emotional connection”

“And then there’s the Popular side, which might not necessarily be the number of people that watch, but it’s more about the impact or the emotional connection people are feeling to the piece of content.”

Disclaimer: TV Tonight is a partner of the AACTA Awards.

11 Responses

  1. As someone who works in the industry I can safely say most of us don’t care about the logies, especially the viewer voted categories. The show I work on usually has to beg someone to attend the ceremony when we are nominated (which is most years). Much more weight is given to the AACTA’s, Walkley’s and craft specific guild awards (DGA, SPAA, ASE, ACS etc).

  2. Yes, recognition of the work done by talented, dedicated people is a good thing. But there can only be a few winners and many other talented, dedicated people go unrecognised. Cheers to all of them, whether they get to hold a little statue or not.
    As a viewer, awards make no difference to my viewing choices. I will watch only what appeals to me, irrespective of whether the show or its people have won awards.

  3. FTA TV offers so little variety (for me) in viewing options. There is far too much cheap reality TV and tabloid news reporting.
    Thank goodness for streaming TV. It would be revealing to compare viewing numbers of streaming channels compared to conventional ratings, especially given your recent report of over 70% of Australians subscribing to at least one streaming service.

  4. I agree that recognition is very important. People are working very hard and sometimes they won’t get the recognition they deserve, and sometimes it’s even compounded by censure if not meeting the needs of the management. But I think it can be balanced out by including popular awards along with awarding the people that really deserve it.

    Take the Gold Logie situation as an example where Tom Gleeson won the popular vote as voters resonated with his campaign and humour, but at the same time another likely deserving award winning contender Amanda Keller missed out. I think they’re both deserving winners in their own right, so there could have been a way for both to be given recognition.

      1. I believe it is also recognition. When there are overall winners of nomination categories, people are being awarded ahead of others. Who wins an award out of the nominees has often been contentious from many awards shows and has caused many arguments and conflicts. It could be fairer to award all nominees. There has also been criticism in the selection of nominees in past awards shows, which is also an issue in recognition that could also be addressed.

      2. Credits are a recognition, industry reputation is recognition, popular support is recognition, media attention is recognition.

        Ordinary people just make do with keeping their job and getting a paycheck, maybe a Christmas bonus.

  5. I personally feel events like this have had their day. Sure hold them for the industry but as for airing them then that’s another matter.

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