
Better Homes & Gardens: May 17

Graham visits Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens and Johanna & Pete check out a Pepper Tree House.

This week on Better Homes & Gardens, Graham visits Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens and Johanna & Pete check out a Pepper Tree House.

Johanna + Pete – Amazing Homes: Pepper Tree House
It’s hard to get more green credentials when building a home than loving a tree so much it influences the shape of your design. But if that sounds strange, wait until you see the results! Built by a couple who needed more space for a growing family, this granny flat come home office literally wraps around a beloved pepper tree. But the tree isn’t the only green credential, it also has a lush roof covered in plants, is made from many salvaged materials and is a certified Passive House. And if you’re looking for some clever storage ideas, this house won’t let you down.

Adam – Make Your Home Smart
In this day and age smart technology is all around us, so isn’t it time your home got a bit smarter too? Whether it’s improving your wi-fi, installing smart lights that you can control from your phone, or even upgrading your existing items like lamps and garage doors so they’re smart too, Adam will show you how to bring your home into the 21st century.

Colin – Soy Poached Chicken With Lemongrass Rice
Soy poached chicken is the most cooked dish in Colin’s house even though his family hate it, but only because he makes it so often. It’s his go-to meal when he wants something that’s light, but still packed full of flavour. The key is packing tons of flavour into the stock for the chicken to marinate in. With so much flavour, the stock can become the basis for the next time you cook this dish. The end result is a melt-in-the-mouth chicken that’s perfectly cooked and delicious served with steamed rice.

Colin – Pear Tarte Tatin
Tarte Tatin is a classic French dish consisting of caramel topped with pears and pastry. If that sounds delicious, it’s because it is. Colin’s using pears, but apples and yellow peaches work equally well and even ripe pineapple when in season. We all know French dishes taste better when cooked by an Irishman, so Colin’s tarte tatin will be the best tatin you’ve ever had.

Graham – Some Like It Hot (Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens)
A few weeks back, Graham took us on a therapy journey through the picturesque Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, a treasure trove of amazing flora and diverse plant collections. Tonight, Graham continues that journey, starting from Guilfoyle’s Volcano and continuing through The Arid Collection, a recent addition to the garden, showcasing hardy and tough plants from dry areas around the world. There’s always something new to discover at the Botanic Gardens in Melbourne.

Charlie – Step By Step Front Yard Design…The Modern Way – Week One
From the grandest show garden to a suburban front yard makeover, the key to a good garden is in the planning. Over three weeks, Charlie’s going to give the very plain front yard of a traditional weatherboard home, a modern and non-traditional purpose; an entertaining space combined with edible garden. So, if you’re looking for some ideas for your front or back yard, Charlie will give you some great ideas and show you how a good garden renovation starts well before the planting does.

Juliet – The Power Of Paint
High-traffic areas like hallways and staircases are often not only a bit uninspired, but also cop the brunt of daily wear and tear, from finger marks to bag scuffs. Thankfully, you can completely transform a space with a new coat of paint, creating an atmosphere and vibe that reflects your personal style. So, tonight Juliet tackles a staircase that is desperate for a makeover and will soon become the star of the family home; looking good for years to come.

Dr Harry – Taco The Borambola Winery Dog
Wherever wine is made you’re likely to find a wine dog wandering through the grapevines, meeting and greeting guests and trailing the winemaker around. At Borambola Wines in rural NSW, you’ll find Taco, the 14-month-old Springer Spaniel who loves pats and tummy rubs from guests. But Taco has a habit of chewing stolen shoes, hats and other goodies beyond repair and not coming when called. With a big road nearby, that could be a dangerous problem. Can Dr Harry bring Taco’s shenanigans under control, or will there be a Mexican standoff?

7pm Friday on Seven / 7TWO.

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