
Better Homes & Gardens: June 7

This week Johanna, Dr Harry and Charlie visit the Hawkesbury Show.

This week on Better Homes & Gardens it’s a visit to the Hawkesbury Show plus creating a ‘frog hotel’ in your backyard.

Johanna + Dr Harry + Charlie – The Hawkesbury Show
On the outskirts of Sydney, the Hawkesbury riverside region dishes up fabulous food, incredible local produce, stunning scenery, and a whole lot of country-style hospitality! For over 130 years the Hawkesbury District Agricultural Association have been celebrating all that the region has to offer at one of the biggest shows in NSW. Johanna, Dr Harry and Charlie explore all the show has to offer, from the carnival rides, fresh produce and of course the animals. Whether they’re being paraded, shown off, ridden and driven, the animals are the stars of the show. So, join the team at the place where the city meets the country; there’s something for everyone!

Colin – Braised Beef Brisket
A brisket might be considered a secondary cut of beef, but with Colin’s recipe, that cooks it to melt-in-your-mouth tenderness, it might become your favourite dinner. Combined with some fresh garden vegetables, lots of stock and cooked all in one pot, this dish is rich in flavour, easy to cook and great value for money.

Adam – Make Up Your Mind… Left & Right Shelves
Adam is always coming up with projects that are simple and achievable, and this project is just about the simplest. It’s a quirky, free-standing shelving system, that leans both to the left and to the right. Made from inexpensive plywood, they can be as tall or wide as you want and better yet, don’t require any glueing, screwing or nailing to put together. By using the tenets of good engineering, the shelves simply slot together to give them structure and rigidity. So even if you’re not the best DIYer, this is one project you’ll have no problem achieving this weekend.

Clarissa – Tapioca Pudding & Pan-Fried Bananas
For a delicious dessert that’s like an old favourite, but has a Malaysian twist, look no further than Tapioca pudding with pan-fried bananas. You’ll often see this dish on Malaysian menus or on home dining tables. Not only is it super tasty but easy to make because it really only has three main ingredients, and the rest are included to enhance the flavour and texture. Give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.

Melissa – Fancy Frog Hotel
It’s important that we preserve or create places for our natural wildlife to live, so Melissa is going to create a frog hotel to attract these little amphibians to our backyards or courtyards. As pivotal indicator species, frogs provide insights into the overall health of surrounding ecosystems. If you’d like to help our little friends, this frog hotel is easy to build. What are you waiting for? Hop to it!

Juliet – Rescued Drawers With A View
One of the trickiest aspects of living in a small apartment and working from home is the lack of a proper office space, so having a dedicated area, even if small, is crucial. With that in mind, Juliet shows you how to make use of an unused corner of your home with an upcycled old set of drawers that she turns into a desk. Using off-the-shelf material, the hardest part of this project is matching the new desk to the room’s décor. So, if you think you have no room for a home office – you’ve got to watch this.

7pm Friday on Seven & 7TWO.

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